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RENT sounds featuring Chad Richardson as Mark Cohen:

1) "We Begin on Christmas Eve..."

2) Rent

3) Tango Maureen

4) La Vie Boheme

5) Halloween

6) Goodbye Love

7) What You Own

8) "December 24th, 10:00 p.m."

RENT sounds featuring Chad Richardson as Steve and Others:
1)Squeegee Man- Honest Living Man! 2)Steve- "Will I" solo

RENT sounds featuring Chad Richardson as Roger Davis:

1)One Song Glory

2)Light My Candle

3)Another Day

4)Christmas Bells

5)Without You

6)Goodbye Love Part 1 Goodbye Love Part 2

7)Your Eyes - You can't really hear chad to begin but it does pick up. I will improve the quality of this file soon.